종이 하나로 세계의 유명한 랜드마크를 재밌는 사진으로 바꿔버리는 아티스트 리치마코. 29살의 런던 출신인 그는 우연히 런던에 있는 시계탑 '빅벤(Big Ben)'에 종이를 잘라 손목시계로 표현을 한 사진을 인터넷에 올렸습니다.
이를 계기로 인터넷에서 화제가 되며 유명인이 되었고, 현재 기준 인스타그램 팔로워가 17만명을 넘어섰습니다. 이후 그는 유명 관광지를 찾아다니며, 그 자신만의 독창적인 상상력으로 센스돋는 사진을 표현해내고 있는데요. 지금부터 그 사진들을 보겠습니다.
World landmarks playfully transformed with paper cut-outs
The London native has quietly amassed a strong Instagram following thanks to his simple yet striking images of famous buildings, statues and monuments from around the world - completely reimagined with just a slip of black paper.
“My first idea was using a cut-out to transform Big Ben into a wristwatch,” McCor told Bored Panda.
“Whilst I was there, a girl and her father took an interest in what I was doing and I showed them the photo on my camera screen. They were full of enthusiasm for the idea, and it spurred me on to do more.
“[My work] led me to Stockholm, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Paris - I crammed in so much in the few days I was in each city, running around with a camera, handful of cut-outs and a head full of random facts to accompany each photo.”
이를 계기로 인터넷에서 화제가 되며 유명인이 되었고, 현재 기준 인스타그램 팔로워가 17만명을 넘어섰습니다. 이후 그는 유명 관광지를 찾아다니며, 그 자신만의 독창적인 상상력으로 센스돋는 사진을 표현해내고 있는데요. 지금부터 그 사진들을 보겠습니다.
World landmarks playfully transformed with paper cut-outs
The London native has quietly amassed a strong Instagram following thanks to his simple yet striking images of famous buildings, statues and monuments from around the world - completely reimagined with just a slip of black paper.
“My first idea was using a cut-out to transform Big Ben into a wristwatch,” McCor told Bored Panda.
“Whilst I was there, a girl and her father took an interest in what I was doing and I showed them the photo on my camera screen. They were full of enthusiasm for the idea, and it spurred me on to do more.
“[My work] led me to Stockholm, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Paris - I crammed in so much in the few days I was in each city, running around with a camera, handful of cut-outs and a head full of random facts to accompany each photo.”