루마니아 출신의 열정적인 사진작가 안드레이 모건. 그는 2014년 여름부터 이 프로젝트를 시작했다고하는데요.
Look Into My Eyes: I Photograph Unique Patterns Of People’s Eyes
The idea behind it was to capture not only the unique pattern every eye has but also the person behind it. Every person is different in its own beautiful way and you can see that in their eyes, which are also unique from person to person.
모든 눈에는 독특한 패턴이 있을 뿐아니라 그 사람의 이면을 내포하고 있으며, 작가는 이를 사진으로 담고자 했습니다.
모든 사람들은 제각기 다른 눈을 가지고 있으며, 그들 자신만의 아름다움도 제각기 다르다는 것을 표현하고자 한것이 아닐까요?
Look Into My Eyes: I Photograph Unique Patterns Of People’s Eyes
My name is Andrei Mogan, I’m an enthusiast photographer from Romania, and I started this project in the summer of 2014.
The idea behind it was to capture not only the unique pattern every eye has but also the person behind it. Every person is different in its own beautiful way and you can see that in their eyes, which are also unique from person to person.